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I am Adway, a third-year Ph.D. candidate with the Information Processing Group (IPG) at the School of Computer and Communication Sciences (IC), EPFL, Switzerland. I am advised by the inimitable Emre Telatar. I have also had the immense pleasure of collaborating with Michael Gastpar, Hyeji Kim, and Ashok Vardhan Makkuva. My research interests are primarily in all aspects of information and coding theory. I am also interested in applying these techniques to study security, communication, and learning.
In 2022, I received a B.Tech. with honors in Electrical Engineering and a minor in Mathematics from IIT Bombay, where I was fortunate to have worked with Profs. Kumar Appaiah, Vikram Gadre, and Sibi Raj Pillai. I spent the summer of 2021 “at” Texas Instruments (India) as a Signal Processing intern (working from home).
Here are the publications that have resulted from my research, and here are presentations I have given/will soon give. Here is a summary of my academic career, and here is everything else.
My contact information and online presence can be found in the left pane of this page.